Say No To Animal Cruelty

Eyes pleading for mercy. Cries of help. Thoughts that cannot be expressed. Feeling unloved and uncared for. Tell me, is this how animals should live their lives? Animal cruelty can take a lot of different forms. It includes intentional acts of violence, such as torturing or beating the animal, and animal neglect. Remember, physical harm is not the only way to hurt an animal. Causing psychological harm to animals in the form of distress, torment or torture is also animal cruelty. Animals are being hurt, tortured painfully, or killed inhumanely every day. It’s unfair for them because they can’t voice out what they are feeling. They’re not ours to just hurt whenever we feel like it. They are our family, our gifts from God. We should take care of them, respect them, love them. SAY NO TO ANIMAL CRUELTY.

Animal cruelty can take many different forms. It includes overt and intentional acts of violence towards animals, but it also includes animal neglect or the failure to provide for the welfare of an animal under one’s control. In addition to this, it is important to remember animal cruelty is not restricted to cases involving physical harm. Causing animals psychological harm in the form of distress, torment or terror may also constitute animal cruelty.

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